Self-service to clone a website
Currently cloning a Wild Apricot website requires intervention from WA support. While the service around cloning is usually pretty quick, it may be of benefit to administrators to be able to clone a website on your own without Wild Apricot support. This sort of functionality may be granted only to partners or to trusted customers, but in general cloning has the following benefits:
cloning is useful when doing a redesign of a website. Cloning a site and applying theme ideas can be easily done without needing to modify the core platform
creating a "template" website could be useful when creating multiple chapter sites from a template site.
A clone process should allow the following "parameters"
- administrative email of site
- the domain name of new site
- the organization details (address, time zone)
- particular billing parameters
The cloning process should allow certain pieces of the site to be cloned (and not others):
- the website pages/templates,
- the database configuration with levels and fields,
- events,
- online store configuration
- newsletter templates
- which specific accounts beyond 1 administrator
- administrative assignments
- colours/style parameter of the theme to be cloned
- an organization logo which could be assigned at the site level into the theme
The cloning process should NOT allow the introduction of new content in anyway.
It would be nice to "batch" this process to allow multiple clones to be generated at one time.