Support multiple concurrent payment systems selectable by payment type
Create the ability to support multiple payment systems at the same time with the ability to assign a payment type to a given payment system. This would solve the issue of having only one configured payment system which does not support a payment type you need. We need to have PayPal, credit cards and bank transfers at a minimum. As we are based in Europe, it seems the best option is PayPal Express Checkout. It supports all 3, but we have members who refuse to use PayPal and will not create a PayPal account. Using a bank account requires the member to create a PayPal account. Some will not even use the credit card option because they refuse to use PayPal at all. We either need a supported payment system which supports PayPal in addition to credit cards and bank transfers with no signup required, or the ability to configure multiple payment systems. Supporting multiple payment systems is the preferred option and would solve most of the feature requests for payment systems.

Elizabeth Gildred commented
We use two separate bank accounts in our organization. One receives payments for events, and a separate one receives our annual dues. WA only allows us to connect one of these accounts at the moment which is creating an accounting headache for us.