Provide standard participation reports, and reports on other useful data
WA provides a nice financial report. It's not all that accurate, since it doesn't account for cash and other non-card payments, nor for events that do not require payments. It's a start, at least for recognizing a trend.
But no such reporting for membership and non-member activity? WA specializes in member organizations!
I've tried using Contacts and Members advanced reporting, but the fields, operators, date ranges, and such just aren't there, or aren't flexible enough to report such important data as:
How many members attended events last year vs. this year?
What was the average number of events attended by Members last year. Ditto for non-Members.
How many non-members attended more than one event last year, and who were they? Ditto for members.
How many registrants did each of many specific events have over the past five years
I'm no longer in charge of analyzing our data, so I've left out a lot of questions I would have if I also had more time or personal need. I'm just noting the total absence of the WA system to address this issue at all. Apparently the only workable approach is to maintain a complex spreadsheet over a period of years, which for many of us is not workable at all.

We're now working on Membership trends reporting ( that will answer some of the your questions - but not all.
So I'll keep this thread open to gather more opinions.