archived group members
We would like to see any 'group member' that has been archived (shown in grey) so we can ask that member to return to the group.
For instance, high school graduates from 2015. John Doe has not renewed his membership and was archived. His name would currently drop off the '2015 graduates' group list and not be shown. It would be much easier to relocate the missing members if we knew where they belonged and that they were in archives. This is similar to how a bundled member shows up if they've been archived (grey in color).
Carol Binder commented
Hi Katya - Thank you for your response. Yes, if we could have group members showing consistently we will know which people have gone into archives without having to maintain a permanent file elsewhere to make sure we retain those names even if they should have their membership lapse. Please let me know if that doesn't sound clear but we are thrilled this might be a possibility! Thank you again
Carol, thanks for sharing.
Now, they are not listed with the active members in the same list but you can find such members who were archived via Contacts advanced search. Your idea is to show them all together, am I right?
Sounds like an option 'Show / Hide' archived members, because not always you need to have these two categories together.