Membership Vetting Prior to Dues Payment
Our organization vets New Members. We would like them to be able to apply online but not pay any dues until we do our background and approve them for membership and then generate the invoice. This needs to be an option.

Angel Holbrook commented
I don't think that would work, as the membership level fees are used for renewal period to generate invoices. It wouldn't help at all if they were set to free.
Nathan, I could suggest one option.
If you don't want to generate invoices now, during online application, and do this later, you can define the membership fee is free and select 'Approval required' option for new applications in the 'Membership application review' settings. When everything will be ready on your side, define the fee and generate invoices for members. And update the 'Membership application review' settings based on your usual policy.
More information about membership level settings regarding new applicants you can find here
Let me know does it work for you or not?