Website View on Mobile Device is Distorted
We get a lot of complaints from board members about how clunky our website looks when viewed on mobile devices. Can you improve this? Here’s what we feel is needed:
Photos, both in the page template and in the page content, need to be re-sized for mobile devices. At present, photos are truncated in mobile view.
Allowances should be made for layouts, margins, and padding in mobile view. Currently layouts, margins, and padding distort how the content appears on mobile devices. This makes the website look amateurish in mobile view.
Instead of the 3 white bands in the horizontal menu bar, will you please instead program it to say “Click for Main Menu”? Or at least “Main Menu”? Many people have no idea what the 3 bands mean, and they miss valuable menu content as a result.
Other software providers are able to make the transition from full PC width to mobile device view look great. I have discussed this in a tech support phone call and the WA representative I spoke with agreed. I was advised to bring it to the wishlist.