API for the Website System
The current API (v2.1) does not support any of the content management system features like adding/removing/modifying pages or page templates.
A simple API to do the following would be nice to have
- Add a page
- See if a page exists by page name or URL
- Delete a page
- Make a page in menu
- Set a pages access control settings
- Make a page template
- Delete a page template
Assign a page to a page template
Add CSS snippet to the custom CSS
Select a theme and variant and apply it
There is no need for gadget placement or movement. There is also no need for content addition.
The idea behind this API is to "frame" in a website from a set of directives from a spreadsheet or an external program that can create a site on the fly. The existing API calls can create the proper fields, and sample events.
This will make it much easier and faster to standup a Wild Apricot prototype for customers and also make it easier for partners to quickly get up and running based on a set of "templates" for various vertical markets.
CPorter commented
Great idea!