Produce screen display data as a single, coherent table that can be exported or copied.
First, many people have asked for various ways to export various reports, but there are so many wishes that none of them has a lot of votes. Yet, overall, reporting is -- or should be -- a capability that any thoughtful organization should require.
Let me also preface that exporting raw data to a spreadsheet file is NOT a solution to the needs of many of us. 1) We came to WA to AVOID messing with spreadsheets. 2) Some of our (otherwise very competent) members (volunteers all) abhor spreadsheets. They don't use them at work, have no need to learn them, and often the report is a one-off situation so building spreadsheet calculations, etc. is absurd. Great for analyzing your stock portfolio over time. Not for quickly presenting a look at the past three years' events data.
This need applies in particular to the displayed list of events and displayed Advanced Searches. I've checked with Support and can confirm that none of these work well, and WA has no alternative approach.
For example, I'll use my current situation. We run special trips frequently through the year. Some of them are not well attended. I want to show the list of trips, the date and title of each, attendance at each, competing events if any (which I will add), and as long as WA displays the attendance breakdown in terms of member, non-member, early payment, etc, it would be nice to keep that.
Here's what I've tried.
A "screen grab" (i.e, drag the cursor across the display, copy, and paste into Word). The problem is that although I can paste it as a table, the table has extra columns, merged columns (the title spans several columns) and within the registration cells there nested tables. This makes it impossible to delete the unneeded columns and to format the text and paragraphing and so forth. In the case of an Advanced Search, it's even worse, because usually the search results consist of several tables.
Exporting to Excel. This is senseless. I get a file where every registrant for every even for five years is given a line, but the report I see on WA can't be replicated. Unless maybe I spend a week programming Excel to do it.
Printing to PDF, then copying from that. So far, this has been a dead end. Apparently the resulting PDF is image-based, so I can't copy data from it. I will try other PDF printers and readers, but am not optimistic. Usually copying from a PDF gives jumbled results, sometimes even one word per line or contents out of order.
Convert the PDF to a Word file. I've used Nuance products to do this. The result looks like your page, but is even more jumbled and segmented.
The only solution is to create my own table and then laboriously copy and paste the data from the screen or one of the above documents into my table. This is complicated by the Registration Types cells being tables themselves. To format them properly, I then need to convert each of them, individually, to text.
Please either program your pages so that data reports may be copied and easily massaged when pasted into a Word, email or text file. Or export the displayed data in a form that can be imported into a spreadsheet (and from there to Word or email, if that's possible), or a CSV or tab-delimited file that can be pasted into Word or Outlook and converted "Text to Table" without getting messed up.
Oh, and if the 31-Oct-2018 date format can't be sorted by Office programs, then please revise that, too. I'm hoping it can.

Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
Forgot to mention... When I tried to print in Firefox, Firefox didn't see the gray text of past events. Chrome saw the entire page okay, but printed the image-based pdf. As I noted, I'll experiment further, but in any case PDF files are often not a good source for copying text coherently.