Shared Email addresses
Since the system generates a unique identifier for each contact, why does WA insist on also using email as a unique ID? Many couples share an EMail address.
You're better that this....

David Churchill commented
The problems caused by using a unique email address as the user ID goes back to 2018 and still you have not done ANYTHING or even responded with a rational. Most users have given up on you and don't complain. We know it is useless. It is becoming if anything more of a problem (once an elderly member problem) but the younger members now no longer use email. We have employed the awkward workaround that others have but it causes continuous problems and irritations. WA is a swear word in our club because it is so unintuitive and awkward.
You MUST change the "email" field to "User ID" and allow a simple string which could be the email address, FirstnameLastName or any other string. Then another field "Email Address".
I know the change over will be tricky, much more now, since you have let it drag on for 7 years. I know you have the talent to tackle it.
The original decision was incredibly stupid. Not to fix it is inexcusable. -
Kent Giebelhaus commented
You might think that in this day and age Everyone would have their own personal email. The reality, particularly with seniors, simpler is better and as a result we have many household couples sharing a single email. I agree with many of the posters... this is not rocket science, an alias name would suffice.
PatVCDL commented
Huge problem for us as well. WA doesn't even allow groups under one mail address, which would be a simple fix. Another option would be to allow the members to create a user name as a unique identifier. It's not rocket science, but it is a huge problem.
Anonymous commented
By now, Wild Apricot should have been able to update their architecture to allow multiple members to belong to one email address. This is not rocket science.
Alyson commented
Oh this is such a horrible setup. I have families registering each needing a separate userID but they all use the same email address. When will this be fixed?
Greg Gdowski commented
This is a huge problem for us. We have Corporate member contacts that also have individual memberships. It is currently impossible to use the same email address for the individual member that serves as the representative for the Corporate account.
Here is my workaround.
In my corporate accounts I have put phony emails in the regular email field (ie. I then created a cc email address that was the intended email address. The first email bounces, but the cc makes it to the intended recipient.This forces us to deal with the corporate accounts outside of WildApricot. This is frustrating because we thought WA could handle all of our members.
Here is the final workaround that I used. I created a simple gmail account for the main organization (eg. For the permanent email address of corporate accounts, I gave them a fictional gmail email address ( I then placed the real email address in the email address field that I created for "cc"ing the email. Email is then sent to the organization account ( and to the member. The interesting thing -- is that this confirms the email went out to the member. Within gmail -- that email carries the user name from Wildapricot.
Martin commented
20% of our couples use a shared email address. We have to use ugly workarounds and burden our volunteer administrators with assisting these members with event registrations.
We'd be thrilled to get away from this hamstring! Should you agree to implement a solution then please don't use the UserID, though. We are humans and can remember words much better than numbers. The average age of our club members is in the 70s!
Sorry, no good news on this. Still in the queue
Anonymous commented
This idea is 10 years old. Is there any plan to deal with Family/Group memberships with a common or duplicate email?
Stephen commented
BIG problem for us, too. Thanks for the workaround, but we are getting complaints about duplicate emails arriving in one inbox. C'mon WA! This has been an issue people have been posting about for years!
Gordon_J commented
Dmitry - I know about adding +xxxx to gmail addresses, but it doesn't work for other email providers. Is there another work around I can use?
It is possible with a small trick: you can use + sign is an email address to make as many unique addresses as you need. For example if you have a single email address ““ you could register employees to addresses
sharedbox+kate@gmail.comAccording to email standard, all emails sent to each of these emails will be delivered to, however from WildApricot point of view all these addresses are unique.
The downside of this approach is that email blast sent to all these addresses will result in multiple similar emails in a single mailbox. -
Anonymous commented
I have a company that would like to use the same email for all of its employees, is this possible?