Different dues levels for various times of the year
I am the founder/CEO of my nonprofit and we are a subordinate organization of a Parent level organization (i.e. we are a detachment of our National headquarters). National sets our dues rates, for the most part, and they vary by times of the year. Prorating dues (which I know is an option in Wild Apricot) won't seem to work unless I am missing something.
To see how our dues work:
Sept 1 - Last day of February: = $35.00
Mar 1 - Aug 30th: = $25.00
If there could be a feature added to Wild Apricot to handle this type of dues this would be ideal. If not we will have to charge the $35.00 dues all year long and reimburse new members as they sign up during the Mar 1 - Aug 30th timeframe.
Any thoughts or ideas, or help in any way would be appreciated.