In email templates, PLEASE DO NOT make automatically make an email address clickable!
It makes no sense for our footer to say "Do not write the address that this email was sent from ( ..." and have it be clickable!
I repeatedly remove the link code, but it keeps coming back. Please don't do too much of our thinking for us. You can't anticipate everything.

Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
I don't know if this auto link creation is the case in all situations, but I've just tested with the Customize Event Reminder 2 event email template, and it is the case there. I found the template with the undesired link, clicked Edit, selected and edited the link, clicking "remove link," and the link was gone. I clicked Save, and it was back.
Apparently we can include an image file when posting a wish, but not when posting a comment. I will email two screenshots to Support.
Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
I understand what you mean about email clients making addresses links. But this was in the process of composing our footer -- ie, within Wild Apricot's editor. If I'm wrong, I apologize, but I'm certain it was within the WA edtor not viewing an email. The address would be okay, straight text, but when I saved it, the result was hot. When I come across it again, I'll report it.
Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
For now, I've put a space on either side of the @. I suppose that will do. Far more important things on the Wishlist.
Hi, Randal.
It's not us, Randal. It's the email client's work. We do transform the manually typed or inserted email addresses to 'mailto' links. But if you use macros (just as you do in your templates) then WA pastes the email as is. But the email client makes it clickable on it's side. I'm afraid there is nothing we can do about it.