Make event announcement emails work the same as registration reminder emails
I get a direct increase in the number of attendees (my objective for each of my weekly events) when I can send a specific announcement email for that event. My members are regulars and don't want to and don't have to have to register for the events they want to come to, it wastes their time. The events are specific that week and don't follow a sequence but because of the way you have things set up, to be able to send an announcement ahead of time, for each event that week, I have to input 13 events a week or 52 a month (see attached) and then set up an announcement for each one.
Setting them up as four sessions for the month (using the session function) rather than as individual events, saves me a huge amount of input time each month. To me if you have coding in place now to send a reminder email ahead of each session to any member who registers for the event as a whole, why not simply code that option for announcement emails so every member who could attend that event/session (their membership level allows) gets that same reminder email for each session, regardless of whether they register or not. At the moment assuming your clients and your clients members are using the system a certain way.
Many thanks

Stan Kalisch commented
We have events that are repeated every week (not one event over multiple sessions, but the same event each week). We want to send out notices for each separately with the appropriate date and RSVP deadline if applicable. So, for a year, I currently have to put in 52 (maybe more) separate events, copying, and copying—when it would be so helpful to be able to put it in once and indicate the weekly repetition and corresponding dates.
Walt Bilofsky commented
For repeated (multi-session) events, WA allows sending event reminder emails either before the first session or before every session.
This option should be offered for event announcement emails as well.
There can be events with multiple sessions where people could attend any of them, not necessarily all or none, and announcements should be available for each session.
Until repeated events are implemented, multi-session events are the only way to schedule weekly or monthly repeated events, short of typing each of them individually. This shortcoming of WA should not prevent announcements for this type of event.
This feature would also be useful for scheduling repeated emails not linked to an event, by creating a dummy admin-only event.
Scot McConnachie commented
I am totally supportive of this idea. Since half the work seems to have already been done on the event reminders this would seem to be a fairly simple improvement to implement.
It is already possible to register for a multi-session event after the first session, so continuing to announce the availability of such sessions after the starting date would be worthwhile. Many of our events are built around a core group of people who are constantly looking to have others join them.
One option could be to allow the announcement blasts to stop if the event is fully registered, and resume if slots open up due to cancelations, but I would set these as an options only.
Ali Crooks - Traders Support Club commented
Sorry forgot to my name on the post Ali Crooks - Traders Support Club