Custom fields with multiple parts and "add another" functionality
Enhance custom fields on members and contacts to support tracking of complex, variable length data. For example, we need to track the name, gender, and birthday of our members children. To do this we have one field where they enter all the names and then 5 different date fields. This is awkward all around. We don't have the data connected accurately because it's stored separately. And then if a member only has 1 or 2 kids there are extra fields hanging around. The search displays and directory widget displays are limited to 3 fields per column so we the data is broken up in strange ways to get it on there.
We'd like to:
(1) set up 1 custom field that has 3 parts: a text entry, radio button, and date parts.
(2) allow members to "add another" dynamically as an option on that 1 custom field
(3) display all of the data for that 1 field together in search results and the directory gadget
(4) be able to search on the parts individually, e.g. find children under 2 or children 3-5 years
Example data display:
Emma Miller (F) - 3/21/2011 (6 years)
Cameron Miller (M) - 6/13/2014 (3 years)