Display Group description for members
"Is there a way to access the Group Description information and present it on a page with the Group Name to our members? I currently enter the group name and the group description into WA in the Members / Group Participation Area. Then, I have my members signup for each of the groups on their profile page… but there is only group names, without description of the group . So then I create additional pages in WA to provide the group name and description information… I have to type it all in again. I have 50-60 groups each year. With a leader, specific times that the group meets, and a overview of what the group does.
Is there a way to access the group participation table? I am NOT a developer. Any help or idea to make this easier would be wonderful! It seems like such a missed opportunity not to be able to display that information. And, I really hate typing this information over and over as groups, group leaders change each club year.