Add user ID as account number
We have hit a road-block with our credit union.
As we were attempting to set up online payment so that members cold pay directly from the Credit Union (vs. using PayPal), our CU informed us that we need an account # on the invoice.
When we are creating the invoice, it shows the user along with their user ID#
However, when the actual invoice is created, the system drops their ID # and only shows their name.
If we could have this ID# printed automatically on the invoice as their Account number, then this would satisfy the requirements to having our club added to the CU as a list of Payees.

You can add {User_ID} macro explicitly to the invoice template, this way it will be always shown.
This will affect only invoice emails though.
System will still show names instead of User ID on invoices in public profile or in admin backend.Oleg, Product Owner @ Payments team