Alternate payment options for members
I am using PayPal for membership dues payments. Some of my members
object to using PayPal online and want to send check or call in with a
card. I am forced to do one or the other but it is a pain when I have to
go outside the system for a payment. In my store I am able to set up an
alternate payment system that remains in my cart and allows the customer
to select • credit card payment and the next page only shows spaces for
name, card #, expiration, etc. This they do not mind because PayPal is
not on the page.
I do not see a way to set up an alternate method of payment with
Wildapricot. Can this be done?
In my store I use WePay and it was done in the store admin area in about
2 minutes. Now the shopper can choose PayPal or choose Credit Card
(which is WePay).
You can setup PayPal Pro payments and then your members will be able to enter their credit card on special Wild Apricot (not PayPal) page – see
As far as I understand, this will solve your problem – while internally either payment will still be processed via PayPal.
roy commented