A way to always start in Public view, not Admin view
Can you provide a custom URL that will always start us admins in Public view, even if we were previously logged in in Admin view?
Suppose I closed my browser window last night in Admin view. This morning I click a bookmark to go to our web site. I want to be in Public view, but there is a long delay to open the site in Admin view and then I have to click the link to go back to Public view.
Could you provide a URL - something like http://www.wildapricot.org/public?[a page in our website] - which will always switch to the given page but in Public view? This should not be hard to do.
Then we could bookmark it and start our day looking at our web site, not the spinning circle.

Use the following format: /Sys/Login/SwitchToHome
Steven Reames commented
A couple ideas here:
1) I use a separate browser logged out of my portal or only using a test member profile logged in to test public view. I bookmarked this as that browser's starting page and then can have that open on a separate screen for testing when I'm making website changes.2) I also created a bookmark folder in my "admin" view browser so that I don't have to navigate to the correct WA tab once I login but can go directly where I want to. (Bookmarked events, contacts, members, etc). See attached picture.
Walt Bilofsky commented
This no longer works in release 6.1, and tech support brushed me off.
Please fix. I had to wait 20 seconds for our site to come up in admin view when I only wanted public.
Walt Bilofsky commented
Admin view is slower and more cluttered. I don't want to use it unless I have to work on the site.
The site looks different in Public view, and I want to see it the way my users do.
My questions is more like "as admin, why do you need to start in public mode in first place?"
Walt Bilofsky commented
Like I said, if it starts in Admin view mode, there is a long wait for the page to come up, and then I have to click Public view mode.
If there is a way to have a bookmark that always starts in Public view, logged in, it will save some time and irritation. Not so much time, but multiply it by ten or fifteen times a day and it adds up. :)
I'm not the only one - there are 94 votes for "Performance improvements - slow website or admin backend."
I am not asking here to speed up the admin - just not to make me go there when I don't need to. :)
Sorry, Walt, have nothing up my sleeve anymore :)
I closed this idea on the Wishlist initially, but now I wonder what is the problem you want to resolve by having a way to always start in public view mode?
Walt Bilofsky commented
Neat. But if the page is public, it opens it as if I were logged out, and if it is a member-only page it does not leave Admin view.
There is a "hack" - <your-site-url>/<page-PAGE_ID>?emulatemode=1&websiteviewmode=1
Where <page-PAGE_ID> is and id of a webpage you need to access, you can take from page setting when editing a page. -
Walt Bilofsky commented
Thanks, Evgeny.
That logs into the home page, which is a big help.
I don't suppose there's a way to log into other pages.