Copy/duplicate Registrants, Bulk Upload, Certificates, & Surveys :)
I would like to request that Wild Apricot be able to duplicate the participants off of an event because many of the times we have events that have the same group of people attending events throughout the year.
Also, it would be great if I could bulk upload participant information in Wild Apricot using an Excel spreadsheet. Say I contact a participating school that is attending an event and the secretary has an excel spreadsheet of the attendees. I would like to be able to bulk upload registrants.
Also a function in WA that would be able to send out documents. For example say I want to send out certificates or surveys to checked in participants. I would like the system to automatically send out the docs to checked in participants or It would be great if I could tell the system yes to send out surveys and certificates and it would send out an electronic survey that they will complete when I mark registrants checked in and when the registrant completes the customizable survey the system would send them their certificate. This would save on printing cost and save time. Also, it would be great to have the survey data exported into excel or perform analytics like survey monkey.

Thanks a lot for the suggestions! But unfortunately, I have to close this particular wishlist item – too many ideas in one post. I’m sorry for this. To compensate, I have subscribed all who commented into existing ones (e.g. to bulk upload registrants) and created some new ones for particular ideas. You all should receive email notifications about it. Thanks again for your comments and I’m sorry for closing this one.
Anonymous commented
Bulk Upload is essential for events where pre-registration isn't possible. It would save an enormous amount of time in individually entering data.
MCESA Math Administrator commented
I could not agree more, with the request to bulk upload attendees or duplicate attendees from a former event. At my organization, we often have the same cohort attend multiple events and moving that consortium over would be an incredible time saver.
We would also benefit from a certificate builder function.
Great suggestion-- keep the votes coming!
Alisha -
Anonymous commented
I manage two different organizations using WA and am constantly selling your software to my colleagues. We are ALL in need of this functionality. At least 50% of my membership are either elderly or politicians/judges, lawyers, etc. that either do not know how to login to a website or are unwilling to do so. This month I manually entered in excess of 375 attendees for one of my associations, and have more than 500 to enter for the other association I manage. It took me three days to get the 375 keyed - and I don't have time to do this every month.
I tried using sessions to do this, but it doesn't permit me to use my admin tool on my iphone to check-in registrants for the sessions. I have to manually check them off the attendee printed list. I need to be able to TRACK attendees for each event and to do analysis on event registrations/shows/no-shows for planning and budgeting purposes.
We DESPERATELY need to be able to create a single event and either load the registrants from a membership list export/import, or have an event that is created and fully registered to be copied with the copy function including all the registrants, and then the ability to register any member or visitor as needed that is not on the original import.
I have also been asked to be able to check-off each attendee and to print on small label printers their attendance name tag when they are checked in. It is counterproductive and expensive to print 450 nametags when there might only be 200 attendees for the event. We need the ability to print nametags, etc. onsie-twosie on demand at the event table.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE have your developers make a way for us to COPY an event complete with their registered attendees or make a way for us to upload/import an attendee list for each event.
Thank you - Melody Pokorny
Golden Corridor Republican Women Webmaster
Dallas Arms Collectors Association Webmaster