Specify time not just date for event's registration available period
Posting this on behalf of client Nishit Vasavada:
"Event registration start time (not just the date - under Registration Type/Available period). Currently it opens at 12am on the date of the local timezone, but we need it at 9pm. We can set the timezone to ET (we are in PT), but if we forget, it's a hassle. It would be really nice to have the time in addition to date."
Events Admin commented
It would be better if we could specify a start time. Our members dislike having to stay up until midnight to register for an Event. We are a kayak club and many of our events fill up fast.
Anonymous commented
Having a time, as well as a date would be helpful
Annie Strack commented
A a start time would make it much easier for us to manage our events on WA. I hope this feature is added soon.
Sabine Yeager commented
I need to be able to set the times when I need them, not at midnight. Date and time should be set as needed. To set the time manually the day of registration is not practical.
Stacy Lund Levy commented
Definite need for date AND time.
Harold Walpert commented
I also agree that setting a time such as 10am is a good idea. Unfortunately, the event will probably fill up within a couple of hours anyway. I know of several people who became disillusioned with the current sysem.
Sharon Morell commented
Having both a time as well as the date would be very beneficial to both the event creator and the registrants , especially for events with limited slots for registration. There should be a level playing field for everyone. Sherry
Sharon A. Green commented
Having a TIME as well as a DATE is very important when there is a large membership and a limited number of slots for an event.
April Rimpo commented
Agree we need to be able to set the TIME when registration opens because our events tend to sell out within 2 hours of opening. This means savvy members have figured out that if they try after midnight they can register. Our goal is to support all of our, so a 10AM opening would work much better. Leaving the event disable and trying to remember to manually open it at 10am is not practical.
Webmaster GNYDA commented
This is really necessary! Admins are not always available to control when to end event registrations.
I think a good way to go about is allow users to optionally enter a registration start date and time. (If start field is blank, it will start immediately after registration is enabled)
For automatic end registration, allow them to choose radio button and enter one of the following:
A) Enter exact end registration date and time (ie end registration at September 27th, 2017 5:00 pm)
B) Enter relative end registration date and time (ie end registration 2 hours before event starts)-End registration date/time should over ride all other Registration Type end date settings, but start date/time should be over-ridden by Registration Type for early bird registrations.
-End registration date and time cannot be after event date and time -
Rick commented
We are the clients that Gail refers to in her comments. A bigger issue is events that are enabled but don't actually open at 12 midnight leaving frustrated users who have stayed up late just to sign up but then give up. I will try to find a better place to put this issue.
Gail Victoor commented
We have clients that use Wild Apricot that would greatly benefit from this. They have events that sell out quickly. Currently there are members that are staying up past midnight to register in these popular events that do sell out. It would be great to be able to set a specific time to open registration. Thank you!
Heather MacKay commented
Currently the registration start time we set for an event is ignored. If the date is Sept. 1st for example, members can begin registering at 12:01 am on Sept. 1 instead of the 9:00 am we entered. This is an issue for members who don't want to stay up late in order to register before the event is sold out.
rbarker commented
Yes to all but particularly registration END time, like 5:00pm so that a list of attendees can be produced before the beginning of the event the next morning.
Karl Hakkarainen commented
Another vote for a start time for event registration.
Kim Skimmons commented
Would like this too. Prefer having the option to specify both opening and closing times.
Greg Swallow BCHDA Webmaster commented
On the registration type settings per event, I love the option to set an opening and closing day for registration, but would it be possible to set an opening time of say 2PM or 8PM or whatever, rather than midnight? Just the opening time matters for me, closing at midnight on the last day is fine.
There are some events (dance competitions) where people try to get their entry in first to be able to dance last (reverse order of entry), and so we do get about 1/3rd of our registrations in the first 30 minutes. The way it is now I leave registration disabled and then enable it manually at a certain time, but I'd love to have it happen automatically so I don't need to be at the computer every time an event opens.
PS - lower priority for me than these other two wishlist features:
http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8825575-limit-number-of-selection-for-individual-registrat and
Wild apricot users - if you want this feature too, please comment! :)
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Thanks for comments!
Mark Hastings commented
We would also like to have this feature.
Our organization meets weekly for a luncheon, so we have to know as close as possible how many people are coming so we can order the correct number of meals from our caterer. We put on the registration form that registrations are due by noon on the day before the luncheon. Invariably people will register after we have already notified the caterer how many meals to prepare.
We have started having someone go in each week at exactly noon the day before the even and manually disable registration, but I think it would be more reliable if it was automated.
Mark Hastings
Austin Founder Downtown Lions Club
Austin Texas -
Meagan commented
this is a great idea...we would love this too!