More Flexibility to Specify Members Included in Directory
At the moment, the only members that can appear in the Directory gadget are statuses Active and Pending-Renewal.
Even if the Directory is set to display from a Saved Search that includes other member statuses, those members are still excluded.
I suggest that when the Saved Search specifically includes other statuses, those members should not be automatically excluded.
In other words, if the Directory gadget specifies a Saved Search and the search includes a Member Status criterion, then the default exclusions on status should not be applied.
This will have more flexibility if and when multiple logic levels are implemented in Advanced Search, but even as is, it would allow us to include Pending-New members, which our club wants to do.
Also - I don't understand why Pending - Level Change members are excluded from the Directory, since they are already members.

Anonymous commented
While running a saved search of "Member status is not lapsed" is the easiest work-around for folks showing up in the member directory - having the ability to pick when the status is set to 'active - pending renewal' (30 days prior/7 days/0 days) via radio button would greatly increase the functionality of things.
Yes, I was about to say so.
Walt Bilofsky commented
Since making this comment, I realized that all active and pending members can be specified by a saved search with "Member Status is not Lapsed."
Shelly Moore commented
When choosing status for inclusion in the directory, we need to have the capability to choose more than one status.
For example, right now, I have a directory set up for all my active members in a particular group. However, when their renewals come up, their status is changed to "pending renewal" and they no longer show in the directory. I have a large number of members who come up for renewal at the same time, and my member directory will look like we have significantly less members than we actually do.
I need both active and pending renewal to show -- the only time they won't show is when they're lapsed.
Comment from our customer Walt Bilofsky:
"I suggest that omitting Pending - Level Change from the Directory is a bug, not a design choice.
Suppose I am a Silver member. I apply to change level to Gold so I become Pending - Level Change. I am still a member, but all of a sudden I disappear from the Directory. How can this ever be right?"Katya, Astra crew
Membership management features @ Wild Apricot