Create a Member Nomination function for invite-only memberships
As an invite-only organisation, rather than having members apply, we would prefer to have current members nominate new ones. This would mean an Application within the site using different language - e.g. Nominee's email, Nominee's name, Person Nominating, reason, etc.

Patrick Keogh commented
I fully support this requirement.
A large percentage of clubs and societies have a process for election to a management committee which requires a member to nominate and be seconded by one or more other members.
The current answer appears to be "use Make", which is fine, but given how many customers would use this, how about WildApricot better document how to use this specific use case?
The workflow needs to be:
1. Member goes to a page on the web site where there is a form with (at a minimum) the position they are nominating for and the name (hopefully a lookup from Members) of a seconder.
2. After submission the seconder receives an email with the completed nomination form and can click on "Support" or "Not Support".
3. After this approval step it goes to a specified admin (don't care how) as a completed nomination.Just because I believe this is possible in Make does not mean I can see how to do it!
Malcolm de C commented
We have a nomination process whereby new members are proposed and have to be seconded by two other members with letters of support. Because we have more applications than spaces, successful nominations are put into a pool and drawn out at random each year, depending on the spaces available. Nominations (identified by the year of nomination, have a maximum of six ballots before they are taken out of the pool and are no longer eligible to become members. It would be great if the system could support this process online by allowing an existing member to nominate, and two or more others to submit 'letters' of support
Bryan Ferris commented
I agree with this request 100%. It can't happen soon enough for my organization. We are happy to be the beta testers.
If there are any suggestions on how to address in the interim, please do share.
Makes sense - cool idea! Thanks for elaborating Peter.
Peter - HR Mutual commented
Hi Frank - we are building a professional membership for our industry. Unlike LinkedIn, we want it to be just our trusted contacts, which means we want to nominate and invite people, not allow them to apply themselves. We can create a Google docs form for this, but would be much better to have a member nomination feature within the software.