Future event with not defined date, with a future posting date
I would like to be able to create a future event that will automatically become visible at a future specified date, rather than me having to create the event, set it as Admin Only and then change the access permissions when I want it to be visible to the public. Thank you!! :)

Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Good point. Anybody else can comment on this? Would it be useful for you?
Dmitry Buterin commented
Additional info on programs:
Payment for year-long program = $250 on registration + 12 monthly installments of $65
Dmitry Buterin commented
I would appreciate comments from other users.
About programs - does it really make sense to consider them together with events? Maybe a better concept is 'subscriptions' - e.g. currently people can sign up for membership but only one membership is active at the time. I understand that with programs one person can be signed up for multiple programs?
Steve Veach commented
There are many times when we have a future event but not a date for it yet. We would like to still put this event in our events list but not be forced to put a date that will be wrong and misleading even if we put a comment DATE TO BE DETERMINED.
BAJacobsn commented
We'd like to create "programs"--like events but no dates. Examples are a year-long class, or a team in a youth soccer club. Registration process could be identical to events, with fee levels, add-on costs, discount codes, etc. Why don't we just call these programs "events" and give them a 12-month duration? Because the "Programs" offerings should be displayed and promoted in a separate page or section and organized by category instead of by date. Registration process is the same but the user-concept is different: for ex., a member should be able to join a soccer team in mid-season, but displaying it on a calendar with a September start date front-and-center will imply to most members that they can't do that.