Check in for Recurring Sessions within Single Event
Wish I could check in registrants for individual sessions within an event.
Gretchen commented
We are exploring this software for our pool community, but would like to see a feature that helps track/"check-in" our members on a daily basis.
Anonymous commented
Our organisation offers a program of weekly classes in ten week blocks. We need to track attendances for every session and would love to avoid the hassle of registering members for each session they attend.
Ed T commented
A Must
Ed T commented
We have a six session program but WA can only take attendance at the first session - need to have the functionality to take attendance for each session separately so that we can reach out to people who were unable to attend, get them materials they have missed and otherwise make sure they succeed and we don't lose them
Kimberly Eudaly commented
This would be great! We have weekly practices at our club every Tuesday and Thursday and I've created a single event with 64 sessions. Not only would I like to track attendance for each session but I'd like to check in members without requiring them to register. This feature is mainly for administrative use to track attendance, participation, etc.
christopherbarta commented
Enhanced attendance-taking (i.e., for ongoing workouts or classes). This would make W.A., much more useful to clubs and teams. Here's how it works: I pay my monthly dues for access to 12 weekly workouts. Coaches on deck check me in when I attend one of the workouts. Team can then track my attendance throughout the month.