Have URLs easier to find
When you click on a web page (in admin mode) you should say what the URL is without having to click on edit. (Much like when opening an event).

tlcorr03 commented
I would love to see this too. I'm trying desperately to keep things consistent with my page URLs. It's very time consuming to have to edit a page, just to see it's path, so that I can have a similar path for the page I actually want to edit. Can this info be put in the blue dot pop-up that shows you the page template?
From Chris Langello: "When in the "admin" view, I would like to have an easy view of the URL. Often, I want to send someone a link to a specific page. From the page in the admin view, to view the URL (I don't have them all memorized) I have to click "edit page" and then look in the left column. I would be much easier if all I had to do would be to look at the page and in the left column there appeared the actual address. "
Becky Burton commented
Because I share pages all the time so people can find them quicker (through emails, social media, etc). I share job postings, news feeds, member forms... lots of pages. As it is, I have a list of those that I share most often but I think it would make it easier.
@Becky: why?