impove ideas
Events should the option to confirm without received payment. In our case, when we organize events for members they pay for all attended meetings in the en of the month, based on monthly statement. Please see joomla extension (Ossolution Team) we used before. Simple and powerful with simple customization, register options, mailing, payments, etc.
In many Clubs as our, Account is a company (who pays fees) and contact is a member. It quite surprising your system is not organized this way. For one account we can have few members. The issue is that the company can have other mailing address (other city & person) for invoices and contact with members are different. What is more, our members can appoint their spouses as complementary members. All those members should be connected somehow, either in back-end as in front-end.
Our Club is by recommendation. There is no option to to mark by which member somebody got the invitation to join the Club. Recommendation reporting should be also added. Very useful for club who have referral programs.
Also would be useful to have different product or services to add to invoicing. Member may use other services (not necessary events) and Club should have the opportunity to invoice it with option for payment conditions. (transfer, direct debt, card or paypal, for example)
I would appriciate your contact to correctly customize event registrations.

I have created 4 separate requests for each suggestion and subscribed the author on them.
Thank you very much for comments, Daniel. But the truth is that there are close to zero chances to fulfill your suggestions until you post them somehow separately and people can start voting for them. Suggestions with multiple ideas in them are very inconvenient for public discussions and almost impossible to close in the end.