Upcoming Events & Viewing in Settings
An HOA such as ours has a lot of daily activities that are ongoing.
Each one of these shows up in Upcoming Events and this is not necessary. We would like to highlight the big events only in Upcoming Events gadget. Could there be an option added to the Events settings that would give a choice regarding an event being promoted on Upcoming Events?
Also I would prefer the Events to be in reverse sort order. I want them to appear in current down to future events.
Walt Bilofsky commented
This is already available through event tags. Gadgets that display events can specify which tag(s) are included.
Look at our home page - http://www.tyc.org - where a gadget shows Upcoming Events. Then below that are Recurring Events (weekly events) which have a different tag to keep them out of Upcoming Events because otherwise they would push the individual events off the list.
Then we have pages for several different types of events - social, race, cruise. And two calendars, one which lists only open events and the other which includes committee meetings, rentals, maintenance, etc. All done by using a handful of tags to classify each event.