Printing using standard browser print function
the print feature does not work correctly using the browser's print button on my computer. I have to use the Standard template in order to see what I've created or the screen is blank when viewed from the print preview button. Plus, when I switch templates the print does not work that way either.

This is a known limitation of Wild Apricot. See printing instructions –
Webmaster commented
Yeah, so the article posted by Evgeny is now totally obsolete now that the print icon has been arbitrarily removed. Our organization has been totally hamstrung by this.
Our Membership Committee (of 8) now ALL need admin access just to view potential members AND we need someone else to RE-TYPE the entire membership application because you cannot even pull a report of the application data. Why do we need this, you may ask? Because we are required to perform a background check on EVERY member and we used to be able to print a PDF of the membership application to send to a security company to run these checks. Now, we cannot do that and sending tons of screen prints is not an option. (Fun fact: did you know that you can't run a report of potential members? They have to be approved as members first, and only THEN can you run a report but then you have people who should not necessarily be members, running amok in your system because you activated them before their background checks came through.)
This is the most short-sighted software change I think I've ever seen. At least give us the ability to run a report that pulls ALL fields from the membership application while the potential candidate is still just that, a potential candidate.
Andrew Steele commented
I'd like members to be able to print their own invoice so they can mail it in with a check. They may also wish to print a page from the member directory or the details for an event (e.g. driving and parking instructions). Using the browser's print function yields poor results on all these pages, at least in the Whiteboard theme. The text continues off the right side of the page and is cut off in portrait mode. The header takes up a large chunk of the first page. There should also be the option to add a "Print" button to pages. Please revisit the CSS print stylesheets within the themes to ensure they are functioning well.
Diane Dias commented
Want to be able to print a search list. It only prints the visible page, no more.
Andrea Keifer commented
We have trainers who want to print the registrant list from the public view of the website. I have attached a screenshot of the link of which I am speaking - the link says 19 registrants. When that link is clicked on, the list appears, 10 registrants per page. Since we do not give our trainers logins, we would like them to be able to print the registrant list as one copy regardless of how many there are. We would also like a print button at isolates that information from all the other stuff on the page. Currently, they use the browser print commands and have to make as many prints as there are groups of 10 registered.
Thanks for considering our request.