Ability to Include "Share" buttons and Social Icons in Email Templates
Our team regularly sends out email blasts using WA, but one thing that really would make a difference for us that does not currently seem to be available is the ability to add in social media buttons, such as a Facebook "Share" or just social icons in general, to any part of an email template, as well as the option to be able to share the email in its entirety via email or social media. One example that is currently out there is MailChimp which, for instance, allows one to drag in a social widget into their email's footer if they should find this useful. A social widget something like the Sharing Buttons Gadget -- https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Sharing+buttons+gadget.
Further, we envision/hope for some way that we can include the sharing tools in individual sections of an email in a way that only the section at hand can be shared, if desired.
This would be a huge step in terms of marketing and take sending out emails to a whole other level, and we truly hope the team at Wild Apricot will consider adding these types of features.

Mary Kidd commented
Yes, we could definitely use this!
Steven Jones commented
have had a few clients asking for this feature in emails.
Bernadette Rivard commented
Yes! This!
sasa commented
hi there! how are you doin? thats great to know. thanks!