Becky Parsons
My feedback
137 results found
6 votes
Becky Parsons supported this idea ·
Becky Parsons shared this idea ·
29 votes
Becky Parsons supported this idea ·
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4 votes
Becky Parsons supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Parsons commented
Yes, please give us the ability to drag a corner to re-size a picture! The time spent in trial and error going back to "settings" and trying out different sizes is frustrating, especially when trying to create an engaging and interesting newsletter email or webpage. It shouldn't be this hard and time consuming.
39 votes
Becky Parsons supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Parsons commented
In order to send an email to a “Group” already established in “Group Management”, Wild Apricot first requires that we create a “search” of that group, then we can send the email to that “search”.
My request is for Wild Apricot to add to the email recipient selection options “Group” with a drop down of the established groups to select from.
All standard email systems easily allow sending an email to an established group. If I want to send an email to my Board of Directors or to a specific donor group that is already established, it doesn’t make sense that we should we be required to do this extra function in order to send an email to the group.
18 votes
Becky Parsons supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Parsons commented
This is very similar to my wishlist request to add to the search criteria: "email last opened date", "number of emails opened", and "percent of emails opened".
Can these requests be combined so we can get more traction and comments from others?
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Parsons commented
This request for options to determine member engagement in emails is strongly related to a wishlist conversation about "bulk changes to contact records". On May 9, 2013 I added to that Wishlist conversation a request to add these search features:
“last email open date” with selection options of “on or before” and “on or after”, and
“number of emails opened” with selection options of “greater than” and “less than”. I want to be able to identify those contacts who are the most engaged (who open emails). I also want to identify those contacts who don't open emails so I can clean out and archive those. We need to have management tools to control the size of our contacts list for our WA subscription cost control, and also to have a clean list to evaluate the effectiveness of our communications. Then, once we have identified our list with these search options, we need a tool to make a bulk online change, for example, to archive contacts, etc.
13 votes
Becky Parsons supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Parsons commented
Agree with this. Emails sent should reflect the actual data, not the macro. I recently changed one of the donation radio button categories, because the prior donation category no longer exists. However, now when I look back at the list of donations, all those prior donations now include the "new" radio button name. This is just flat incorrect - it doesn't accurately reflect what really happened. Perhaps this is more of a "flaw" that needs to be corrected, rather than a wishlist item. Nevertheless, this needs immediate attention.
16 votes
Becky Parsons supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Parsons commented
I originally made this request in June, 2013. Do others find it a problem that we can't use some fields for both "contacts" and for "members" - such as address? WA in an earlier comment acknowledged this is cumbersome and they would like to improve it. Can we get others to make this an important request? Our new executive director, coming from other software, is stunned that the contact and member fields in WA are so exclusionary.
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Parsons commented
This option would be very much appreciated. It would be valuable to list all the contact/membership fields with two columns of check boxes - one column of check boxes to select fields for the membership application, another column of check boxes to select fields for contacts. We should be able to check a field in both columns.
For example, mailing address, areas of interest, and volunteer are some of the fields I would want to use for both membership and contacts.
I get frustrated that I have only a few fields available for contacts. Many times people will provide more information and the only place I have to add is the "notes" section. Then later when they become members we have to manually copy/paste.
8 votes
Becky Parsons supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Parsons commented
We need this option also, and there are other users who have expressed this same desire. Several posts on this topic are in the list of topics for multiple customizable donation forms. I hope Wild Apricot will act on these requests in the next update! This is a very critical need.
47 votes
Evgeny Zaritovskiy responded
I have merged several similar suggestion together – they all about previewing various site functions from members perspective. For example, wen pages, registration and application forms, etc.
Becky Parsons supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Parsons commented
Thanks Dimitry!
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Parsons commented
Having the ability for the site administrator to view the finished form in whole would be very beneficial - and very important.
What is 'incognito' mode?
You've suggested to create a dummy "test" contact or membership, which is not really helpful. I am a member, so when I need to test the new member application and process I can't because my email address is in the membership database.
When I took over the webmaster functions I had to ask a non-member to become a member and give me feedback and screen prints so I could see the form and the process - not professional at all.
7 votes
Becky Parsons supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Parsons commented
Would like to have this option also.
33 votes
Becky Parsons supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Parsons commented
We need our newsletter writer to have someone approve it (layout, content, photos, etc.) before it's sent out. This could be accomplished by: (1) being able to designate more than one's own email address for a test email to go to for approval, or (2) being able to designate another admin to view an email draft created by another. I hope others who have this need will comment, so that we get enough to push this item up to the required 10 requests to be included in an update.
15 votes
Becky Parsons supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Parsons commented
For documents and pictures that we have stored in WA, can you make it possible for us to click on them and have the system show the page names where that document is embedded or linked?
Example, recently I replaced an out-of-date item with a revised item, and I updated the link to it from the page where I knew there was a link. I had no idea that item was linked from other pages, until I got a bunch of emails from people saying that a link had disappeared.
I would like to purge a bunch of pictures/documents/logos that I assume are outdated, but I have no idea whether there are any links connected to them.
For those of us who have been on the system for several years, and who have had several different people managing the website, we are getting overloaded with what may be junk that we want to clean out. Please make this possible!
379 votes
Becky Parsons supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Parsons commented
I need this also! Our board has asked me to create for people to order and pay for our T-shirts online in advance of an event we are having in April - so that they can receive their ordered shirts at the event. We want to give people a 15 day period to order the shirts and the ability to purchase several in different sizes. I have experimented with the event registration process and the workaround required would be just too cumbersome to even think of using.
I would like to be able to create an order form that can be tied to PayPal, that would accommodate this need, as well as member surveys, and other items as suggested by others.
367 votes
We're considering to take Donations during registrations/applications into development right now, but during analysis of the feature we ran into an issue where we would love to hear your feedback.
Essense of question: how would you like donations during applications or registration to be processed for offline payments (when your member/prospect decided to get an invoice and pay later)?
Some more details:
We can implement donations during event registrations/membership renewals for online payments - not a problem.
But when we're talking about offline payments, straighforward solution seems to be a bit expensive - we don't have invoices for donations or pledges yet.
So right now we're considering going on with straighforward online payments solution (donation will be added to payment transaction) and for offline payments - just include an invoice memo to buyer to add $XXX to his payment as donation for event/membership he has selected.
This way administrators would…
Becky Parsons supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Parsons commented
We need this as well. As a membership organization, when people pay their annual dues, that's the best time to get them to include extra as a donation. We get requests for this from our board, who hear this from our members.
75 votes
Becky Parsons supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Parsons commented
We would also like to be able to add non-member contacts to groups.
There are many times we want to track the engagement of a specific group of non-member contacts, or send an email to a specific group of non-member contacts.
For example, we recently had a workshop program attended by members, existing non-member contacts, and also individuals who had no prior contact with our organization. I needed to send follow-up emails to all those who attended, and I wanted to encourage membership to those who are not members. I had to create the emails and then manually add each individual to the email.
I want to identify non-members who are very engaged (by opening emails, for which we need a filter in search criteria) and target them for volunteering and for membership. And I want an easy way to follow up to track their responses. Creating a group is what makes sense to accomplish this.
This need arises fairly frequently.
62 votes
Becky Parsons supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Parsons commented
Here is an example of a need for a bulk change online:
I want to archive, and perhaps delete, all contacts who have not opened an email since a specific date. There needs to be a search criteria to identify those contacts, and then a bulk archive - and perhaps a bulk delete - function for that search result.
Today I submitted a Wishlist item to add these search features:
“last email open date” with selection options of “on or before” and “on or after”, and
“number of emails opened” with selection options of “greater than” and “less than”.
But even when you add these search features, I will still be required to manually archive (and then manually delete) all those contacts. So, please add these search functions and also add the bulk change function.
Those of us who have been on your software awhile need this clean-up ability.
Thank you!
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Parsons commented
Here is an example of a need for a bulk change online:
I want to archive, and perhaps delete, all contacts who have not opened an email since a specific date. There needs to be a search criteria to identify those contacts, and then a bulk archive - and perhaps a bulk delete - function for that search result.
Today I submitted a Wishlist item to add these search features:
“last email open date” with selection options of “on or before” and “on or after”, and
“number of emails opened” with selection options of “greater than” and “less than”.
But even when you add these search features, I will still be required to manually archive (and then manually delete) all those contacts. So, please add these search functions and also add the bulk change function.
Those of us who have been on your software awhile need this clean-up ability.
Thank you!
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Parsons commented
This is an important feature for us all. What is the status???
107 votes
Becky Parsons supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Parsons commented
I'm thinking of abbreviated history info, not too much detail. For example, a listing that can be searched by date range, admin name, account name, webpage name, and a short 2 or 3 words about the action taken, such as:
Date Admin Account/Web Page Action Taken
6/14/2013 Sue Jones Sam Smith, contact #101234 Email changed
6/15/2013 Bob Taff Issues, web page #96878 Revised
6/16/2013 Sue Jones Pete Green, member #68445 New membership
6/16/2013 Sue Jones Pete Green, member #68445 Pmt posted
6/16/2013 Sue Jones Grace Sims, contact #32198 Donation deleted
6/17/2013 Bob Taff About Us, web page #36721 Revised
6/17/2013 Sue Jones Rose Miller, member #50922 Mbr Renewal, invoice
6/17/2013 Sue Jones Rose Miller, member #50922 Pmt posted
6/17/2013 Tom Davis Ben Brown, member #99622 Mbr Renewal, no invoice
6/17/2013 Sue Jones Mary Adams, contact #101675 New contactWith a list like this it would be easy to scan and identify areas to investigate. In this case, the assumption is that Bob Taff can make web page changes. The areas to check would be the actions on Grace Sims' account (why was a donation deleted?) and Ben Brown's account (why was a membership renewed without payment?).
Or, simply a static list that can be exported to Excel for sorting.
Becky Parsons
An error occurred while saving the comment Becky Parsons commented
I'm adding to a thread that is 2 years old. But this triggers a question I've had in my mind for a long time.
Wild Apricot is the only software system I've experienced that has no history of database changes. When there are several people who can access the database, or just to identify a mistake, it is valuable to have such a history.
We should be able to search the database history by: admin name, change date range, contact/member name, contact account number.
I agree. Please give us the ability to have "child" pages for non-menu pages. After being on WA for several years, our "non-menu" page list is getting large and it's not organized well.