Dmitry Buterin
My feedback
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16 votes
Dmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
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3 votes
Dmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks for posting.
To summarize, let's say your site is and it's setup on Wild Apricot to redirect to https on payments only. Your secondary free WA domain is
Currently if someone (actual visitor or Google WMT) tries (for some reason) to access the site as httpS://, WA would allow secure connection - but it would have to use Wild Apricot security certificate and some browsers display scary looking warning before they are allowed to proceed.
So the suggestion is to silently redirect them to instead
I would appreciate comments from others.
7 votes
Dmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
As of now, the only reason I am aware of to delete past events is to keep the total event list smaller/manageable to search currently active events. I think the best solution for this is to provide better filtering/searching capabilities - see
If there are other reasons for deleting past events, I would appreciate input here.
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Can you elaborate - why wouldn't you want to keep past events? Deleting theme deletes event registrations etc.
71 votes
Dmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Would this solve anything for them/would they find this message useful? If it were me, I would be just more frustrated - tell me at least the email I am registered with!
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Your second point is understood - the key challenge is the matching algorithm. (To find close but imperfect matches it has to be really smart)
The first point has privacy and security considerations:
1) There is a potential privacy breach as people can enter anyone's name to find out if that person is in your database2) Furthermore, let's say we found the match - how do we know it is indeed the same person and what do we show to them? E.g. displaying the email of the existing record would violate privacy/security.
3 votes
Dmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Dalek - you can actually create such a search now, under Contacts/Advanced search, use Balance amount field, select option "Overdue"
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
This does sound like a useful idea - I would appreciate if you could provide a scenario or two of how this might be used.
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
(To provide context: right now balance field is a simple flag with selections 'Overdue' and 'Overpaid')
3 votes
Dmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks, understood. I moved this post into a separate thread.
(We do have another thread about changing field type already.)
47 votes
Evgeny Zaritovskiy responded
I have merged several similar suggestion together – they all about previewing various site functions from members perspective. For example, wen pages, registration and application forms, etc.
Dmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Becky - incognito mode is also known as privacy mode, see
it allows you to open a new browser window which doesn't use your current cookies, in this way your original window can show the admin backend and the new window can show you a public/member view. Once you open it, you can review the membership form in detail.
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Until we build a special feature for this, a quick workaround is to open a second browser window in 'incognito' mode - then you can view the site as a public visitor or as a member (you would have to log in for that - e.g. by creating a special test member record)
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks for the suggestions.
Can you elaborate - what do you mean by 'dupe the fields rename it and move it into the appropriate location'?
Re instructions - we will have special field in our next version 4.4 for instructions and you can adjust its formatting.
5 votes
Dmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Can you tell us more - who are your members, what kind of website would they need, why would they use this and not some free website builder like Google Sites etc.
Event and Membership Taxes - We need to be able to charge different taxes for events and memberships
52 votesDmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks for the clarification. Unfortunately it does not look like this particular scenario will be addressed in version 4.4 - it is possible to enable/disable taxes in each registration type in each event but no way to use different rates. This will have to be addressed in future versions.
10 votes
Dmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Hi Gordon,
I am still quite reluctant about this specific solution as my gut feel is that this against good security practices. (E.g. admin can potentially do things on behalf of user and then there is no proper audit trail of this). Still, I see the valid need so if many other people support this, we would seriously consider it.
In the meantime I would appreciate more details - what are the most frequent situations when this need arises?
14 votes
Dmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks, appreciate the post and especially you taking the time to mock this up! Will move this into our Wishlist forum to collect votes/comments and prioritize.
13 votes
Dmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Let's focus this on one specific thing - what is more important - pages, posts or contact records?
5 votes
Dmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Conceptually I fully agree. However, anything is a big word. I don't think I have ever seen a system which would allow you to undelete *anything*. So let's focus this thread - what has prompted you to comment on this? What is the most important object in Wild Apricot to implement this?
6 votes
Dmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks for posting. From our perspective invoice is just a mechanism to distinguish between registrations that were paid online from those that weren't. Do far I can't think of a way around this. If you do not record payments, how do you track and reconcile your cash receipts and your event income?
Can you elaborate - what do you find onerous about applying payments to invoices?
The typical process is like this:
1) Find the invoice, go to its details (this can be done from the list of invoices, from a particular contact, from event registrations)
2) Click on Record payment
3) If desired you can add information about payment tender etc. Or you can skip this.
4) Click on Save.
So recording payment for an invoice is two button clicks.
36 votes
Dmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
This is to display no-date events on the calendar?
have you considered using a subscription form instead? The subscription confirmation email could include the link(s) to recordings. Or do you need people to pay for them?
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks for the details. We will now wait to collect feedback and votes to prioritize.
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
There are two aspects of this:
1) Allow to save events in the admin backend without requiring a date. This is relatively easy.
2) Allow to publish events without a date. The big question is then: where to display them in the calendar and where to place them in the list view (events are ordered by date). Registration for these events should also be automatically disabled.
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Additional info on programs:
Payment for year-long program = $250 on registration + 12 monthly installments of $65
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
I would appreciate comments from other users.
About programs - does it really make sense to consider them together with events? Maybe a better concept is 'subscriptions' - e.g. currently people can sign up for membership but only one membership is active at the time. I understand that with programs one person can be signed up for multiple programs?
101 votes
Dmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks for bringing this up Steve.
I would appreciate comments from others, especially specific examples of fields where validation would be beneficial. So far phone numbers and zip codes have been mentioned.
Also, some questions:
1) How to handle validation:
a) post-input (allow any entry, validate and display error)
b) display formatting and enforce valid input only. E.g. .'('&[field_for_three_digits]&')-'&[field_for_3_digits]&'-'&[field_for_4_digits]
2) How to deal when records are imported
3) How to deal with records already in the database
73 votes
Dmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Sorry, we wouldn't be able to look at this for a while, at least for the next 6 months.
86 votes
Dmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks for clarifying. I thought you meant sent emails - you are talking about customizable email templates.
Your point makes total sense, this is in fact in our roadmap to move all customized email templates into one centralized location.
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Can you elaborate - what do you see this centralized page showing vs. the existing page 'Email log' under Contacts. Current page does show all the emails sent (except for some admin copies). And each email has 'Origin' field to help find the source of it.
22 votes
Dmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Good point, we will consider this.
For now I would like to collect feedback on how people use the new functionality - would appreciate comments from others!
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Am I correct that credit in your case corresponds to partially/fully unused payment?
If so, have you considered using 'Comment to payer' field in payments? This field is shown to the contact.
The internal notes are designed to be admin-only so we would not show them to the contact.
19 votes
Dmitry Buterin supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Dmitry Buterin commented
Thanks for posting. This makes good sense, especially making this a special separate option on the membership level (so that it can be separate from other possible one-off fees)
Can you give us an example of data that you would like to transfer from event application into their membership profile?