Move column description above the entry on the form
Can the description of a column be moved above it on a form? Right now, on a registration form, I can add a description, but it shows up BELOW the textbox/radio buttons/checkboxes/etc on the form. This is really confusing on the form. I would like the description to show up at the top.
For example, I have a column called "Volunteer" where I am asking when my member can volunteer to help out. This is a required multiple choice column that has 9 options. But the description of this column doesn't show up until after all the choices are listed. It would like a way to place this description at the top of the list of choices, so the user knows what they are choosing.

Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
I'll keep it here under usability improvements. There is no easy way to do this now (until you're an experienced HTML/CSS/JS developer)