Ability to pass directory page search criteria via URL
It would be great to be able to pass a search criteria to the member directory page.
Here is a scenario I currently have that would greatly benefit from this: I currently have a list of states listed a page. I would like to be able to link these to a listing of all members in that state. Currently this has to be done by creating 50 saved searches and 50 directory pages. The ability to simply prepopulate search fields would be very useful in this and other situations.
Paweł Drągowski commented
I agree. This would be very useful functionality. My scenario: I have embedded an javascript map of the world with countries marked where our members come from. Countries could be made clickable, linking to the directory with a respective (a) filter or (b) search applied, showing members from a given country.
I have asked your support whether member directory gadget offers functionality of parsing queries included in the url?
The response: "We did not implement the functionality intentionally, but it doesn't meant that it's not possible. You simply need to use "trial and fail" principle."
Can you please at least prepare a tutorial because I'm tired of failing?