Add website URL to all emails from WA
This may seem like an odd request, but for those of us who design and manage multiple WA sites it can be a big deal. I am an administrator in probably dozens of WA websites, and sometimes I get emails from WA that say things like "Your Wild Apricot account..." or "upgrade your account..." or "...your website..." but nowhere in the email does it say which account/URL it's referring to. It's confusing.
I'd like to request that all emails from WA contain the account URL at the top of the email so that it is clear which one the email is for.

Carlos Baez commented
would this be good for a company like ?
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Thanks for details.
Kim Skimmons commented
I'm referring to the emails that come from the WA company to admins of WA sites, not the "system emails" that a particular site generates (e.g., membership application confirmation emails) because those can be edited by the admins to include the URL macro if desired.
I'm talking about emails that WA sends to its customers (i.e., site admins) such as billing and upgrade notifications, account-related emails, even the periodic WA newsletters you send out that contain tips, information, notices about impending WA updates, and so forth. Pretty much anything WA sends to its customers.
The problem for me is that I manage so many WA sites that when I get an email from WA I'm not sure which site the email is referring to. This isn't so important for general newsletters from WA and such, but it is important when I get an email, like I did the other day, with the subject "Your Free Wild Apricot Account" and it begins with:
The account number doesn't help me quickly figure out which WA site this email is referring to. This is just one example, but there are others. Sometimes you mention the site name or URL in the email (e.g. when a site is about to get deleted due to inactivity), other times you don't. I'd just like it if you could always put the site URL somewhere consistent in all emails to your customers (like at the top or bottom of the email, or both) so that I can keep track of which emails are for which WA sites.
Does that make sense?
- Kim
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Are you talking about emails coming from Wild Apricot company? Like billing, etc.? Or all email altogether, including something like copy of membership application confirmation email?