Blog Features
It would be VERY helpful to our members if we had a search feature for the blog posts! Additionally, the ability to schedule posts would be nice for the post author.
Also, I've read from earlier threads that Google Feedburner could be utilized by members to subscribe to posts via email. Is that still operational?
Thank you!

Christen Warkoczewski commented
I swear I thought I saw a search feature for an individual Blog Gadget at one point, but now I can't find it.
Being able to restrict a site search gadget to just blogs helps, but only if you don't have many different blogs to manage content.
Maybe have it as a setting within the blog gadget - toggle "search this blog"?
FIGT Admin commented
I use to subscribe to RSS feeds. It works well. You need to activate the RSS link in your blog gadget settings.
Not sure, what you mean. Can you pease elaborate?
ShaChena Gibbs commented
Blog Category
Blog Archive -
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Search is being developed now - see thread
Re Google Feedburner - sorry, I personally don't know about this.