Photo album for each event
I would like to have the ability to add photos to a past event. Or a future event, for that matter! Members would have the permissions to add photos to an event from that event page. So then anyone could view these photos by clicking on the link from the event calendar, and on the side or below, there would be an album (or slide show).
We have events every weekend during the summer, and a couple each month late fall to early spring. Would be nice to have a way to upload the photos associated with an event, on that events page.

photo-guy commented
This is make or break for our photo group... We have shoots, trips, etc... and no where to show them..? Nahh...
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Point taken. Still, before it gets to our roadmap, it has to meet some conditions - see
sean commented
Some of those ideas might work, but so much manual work for something that could be automated. Well, at least a hell of a lot easier if a member could upload photos to a specific event.
For our club, this is a major concern and would be tops on our wish list!
SMc -
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
What about this comment from one of our users - ?