Multi-Session Events
Both of our divisions host a number of events that actually occur over multiple time-space blocks. Much as, say, a college class would be organized, registering for one event actually entails being potentially scheduled into all of the subsequent sessions of the event on that schedule. A subset of these events are tournaments whereby not everyone signed up for the event will continue to the next session; in this case the event's sponsor or coordinator will want to adjust the attendees proceeding into a subsequent session. To complicate matters some multi-session events may have a single registration fee that covers all sessions, while others may have a registration fee associated with each individual session; even though a registrant is expected to attend one or more subsequent sessions we want to give him the option of paying for these sessions separately. On other hand, in the case of our convention, most of the events don't have a separate registration fee; the cost is effectively free as it is subsumed into the convention registration fee. Finally I am hoping that in the long run our members will be able to see their complete schedule when they are participating in our events.
I am hoping that you will be able to put options into events that allow for the above scenarios.
Thank you for your attention,
Scot McConnachie

Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Thanks for the input and the detailed you provided, much appreciated!
We have this thread - - where we're discussing very similar things. We have actually started analysis of some scenarios for the whole thing but for now it's being postponed a little due to complexity. We will see how it goes over time.