Email notice distribution
We would like to be able to specify individual members (rather than administrative roles) to receive specific system-generated emails (rather than ALL emails for membership, or ALL emails for events).
The system generates a lot of emails. For instance, there are initiation emails for membership sign-up and renewal; completion emails for membership sign-up and renewal; reminder emails for memberships that are expiring or have lapsed; and so on for events.
We have volunteers who work on membership and events who shouldn't have administrator access, but who should be able to get emails when someone signs up for a specific event, for instance.
And we have administrators who are incredibly frustrated because they're bombarded with emails that are basically irrelevant for them.
We want to be able to say that one specific member AND/OR one specific administrative role should receive a specific system-generated email, such as membership renewals or event sign-up for a specific event.
Really granular at the system-generated-email level as well as at the membership level.

Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Thanks for the comment, we will think of this (comments on that from others are always welcome). Please note also that we are aware of a lot emails and it's in our plans to reduce amount of emails - see