Show Refunds with the Event
Currently, if you click on Finances, then Payments and Refunds, you can see refunds issued for a cancelled event registration (i.e., through PayPal). But, there is a also Payment and Refunds tab under the Financials of the actual event, which shows nothing (please see attached image). This is very confusing. Shouldn't my Refunds also show under the actual event? (Click Events, select event, click Financials, click Payments and Refunds tab?)
WA says they don't appear because, once you cancel the Registration, it deletes the invoice, so it has no data to find and show. WELL..... what if you didn't delete the invoice? What if you just HIDE it? That way the data would be available to use.
Screen image:

Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Unfortunately, I was wrong - this is how system works now and we cannot change it easily. Here is what happens:
* When someone registers for event, invoice is generated for the this registration. The invoice has origin of "Event registration" and when you click on specific event Financial transactions link, system shows you all invoices with this event origin
* When invoice is paid, payment records is created and settled to the invoice. So, you can also see the payment in even financial transactions, because it is related to the invoice.
* BUT when you cancel event registration, invoice is deleted. Payment is settled to the refund, but refund and payment has no origin of event - this is by design (because there can be single payment for multiple invoices - i.e. for membership and event together). So from the moment of cancellation you will not see payment and refund in event financial transactions.This is a kind of logical problem and not easy to resolve for us. The only solution I see here is to not to delete invoices but rather create a special state for them like "Cancelled". But such a change would require to rework underlying workflows and this is time consuming task.
I will keep your post in the Wishlist so we can collect more comments and see if this is critical or not for other people.
Rick Kerner commented
Will do!
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
This looks like a bug - can you please send details to ?