Print Member List
I need to have a hard copy of all of our members to keep onsite at the club for check-in. Our format is one printed page per member to allow for handwritten notes, record guests, etc. Is there a way to print the member list, or suggestions for how to export the info?
Deborah Buck commented
We too would like to be able to print a list of members directly from the website. Right now, the export function is a nice workaround. However, it would be simpler to click on print and have the membership list (or saved search of members) printed out for times when we need hard copies.
Elaine Pack commented
We would like the same thing but in just a simple list format for our less savvy users.
anonymous_96.44.245.50 commented
You can just export them into a spreadsheet: then use a mail merge to printout one sheet per member.