Event Registration Report - options Mark All / Clear All
I am using the Event Registration Report frequently. I have events with over 30 field choices. It is very tedious to have to click or unclick each field box.
Would it be possible to make two Report Options?
Mark All - will select every field to report on.
Clear All - will unselect every field
Thank you.

Yes, I struggle with this as well. Options to clear and mark all would be great!
Add a "clear all/add all" option to the event registration field report.
Frank commented
Makes sense. I'll pass this on to our team to review. Once we make a decision I'll update this thread.
Also I wanted to mention that if you use the Chrome browser there is a plugin that will add this feature to any web page, see https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/check-all/nnbihdpkeohjdfncchjhidbbonnihaob .