Repeating events and event search by date
When using the admin Event List page to search events by date, repeating events only show up in the first month they were scheduled unless a text filter is also applied. If the event title doesn't have a unique string on which to filter, then to find the event one must know when it was originally scheduled, which could be months or even years in the past.
For example assume a repeating monthly event first schedule, say, January 10 2024. It appears on the calendar every month, and it would be expected that the admin event list search capability filtering all events in December 2024 would find it, but it does not appear in the list.
If the event title does not contain any unique strings that would allow filtering on the title, there's no easy way to find it. This makes the search capability essentially useless for repeating events that don't have easily filterable titles.
Repeating events should show up when filtering by date only.