Discounts for recurring membership
We would like to be able to offer discount codes to both new members and renewing members, and just found out we can't do that with recurring memberships, which is extremely limiting as that is the only level we offer. I also think that the restrictions should be posted on the page where you create the discount codes as I set one up and let some people know about it before discovering we can't actually use it.

Nelleke Oomen commented
I agree on this one: all of our members are categorized 'automatic renewal', and so for this one group of event-goers we wanted to offer a discount if they signed up as a member, yet currently that would entail creating an entire new level of members unfortunately. Also, if I am not mistaken, I did not read in the instructions online, that the 'automatic renewal' would be an obstacle for activating the discount code. Only after setting up the discount code, I saw the textbox telling it is not possible on automatic renewal memberships. PS yes, we definitely will let our new-to-be members know that the discount is a one time deal and that their membership the following year will be automatically switched to the 'normal' settings and fees. But please dear Wild Apricot, it would be great if you could adjust this. Thanks so much.