Message Board - General Communication Gaps
As a paddling & social club one of our biggest gaps is communication between members and non members. Not everyone has admin privileges and access to our calendar and email. So when it comes time to announce events, paddling trips or general gatherings they turn to facebook. Which is great for some but not for all. Our message board was used briefly in the past, but then it was hidden due to lack of use. I am dusting it off and making an effort to encourage more people to use it again as a bridge for communication.
HOWEVER, I quickly realized the biggest gap is lack of an App that truly would make this a valuable tool. Adding it to the the existing Wild Apricot App would be very helpful!
I can not expect that everyone would stop using facebook groups and instant messaging for these types of communications, but it certainly would be helpful if the message board had convenient access.
I look forward to your response.
- Ken Conly Philadelphia Canoe Club Director at Large