Extend API to allow updating fields on an existing Event
The swagger pages show the get options but nothing to update an event
Primarily I would like an option to disable the registrations at the event level as there is no front end feature to disable registration by x days before the event, the admin of editing multiple events with multiple registrations types is cumbersome and subject to errors
POST /accounts/{accountId}/events/{event id}
With the body containing the filed(s) to be updated and the values
If the API extension is not an option please consider adding this feature to the front end.

Hello Mike, I understand it's been 2 years since the topic was created but maybe it will help someone who will ask the same question. You can edit an event by using PUT /accounts/{accountId}/events/{event id} request. Pass the "RegistrationEnabled": false in the JSON model in order to close the registration. See our API docs for more information: https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/WildApricot/wild-apricot_public_api/7.6.0#/Events/UpdateEvent