Please fix Membership expiration failures and templates
Membership renewal is kind of a mess...
I updated our organization to extend all memberships by two weeks. I did this by modifying the membership levels at all levels, to give them an additional two weeks of membership time.
This has caused an apparent cascade of bugs in Wild Apricot software:
When I updated the templates to reflect new dates and prices, and chose to apply the template to all levels (and typed 'UPDATE'), it did not do what it was supposed to do. Subsequent emails fired with the old dates and old prices.
Most importantly, when members chose to renew their membership, their membership was only extended until the new expiration date. Example: I renewed my ANNUAL membership on February 26th, 2022. That should have extended my membership until 2023, but instead it only extended it for the additional two weeks (until our new expiration date, March 15th 2022). This is a serious bug! When I asked for help with this, I was instructed to export all members into a spreadsheet, manually update all membership dates, and re-import all members. This is not why we pay for membership management software...this is a bug that should really be fixed.
Thanks for listening.