edit card information for non-recurring members with recurring donations
Your system will only allow people signed up for automatic membership renewal to edit their credit card information. This excludes people who have signed up for automatic donations but not automatic renewal of membership.
In addition, if someone is in this category there is no "renew" button for the member because the system assumes that automatic payments apply to all types of payments when they don't.
Please fix this ASAP. I see a previous post where you partially addressed the issue and called it closed. This does not address those with saved payment information or recurring contributions but not recurring membership renewals.
From previous post:
Team Payments responded
I’m glad to announce that we have released this update in v. 5.10.
Any member on recurring level can now update credit card at any time. To prevent recurring payment failures we remind users about credit card expiration 2 weeks before the date (Administrators can customize this email or disable it completely).
Need to note, that updating credit card works only for Stripe, Authorize.Net, Moneris and PayPal PayFlow Pro payment gateways. For payments from PayPal Standard & Express Checkout update credit card and expiration messages are handled by PayPal itself.
We have a bunch of other improvements in 5.10. Check out our release notes! https://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Release+5.10
Oleg, Product designer @ Payments team