Mobile Member QR scanning
I like the QR scan capability of the admin app, but I don’t like it being limited to the admin mobile app because the person using it ALSO has access to edit all member information, and many other parts of the Wild Apricot account. We really don’t want to be authorizing all of our leaders to have such access to the WA account, when all they are doing is checking event registrants into the event. That’s entirely too risky for us. They could easily go into their account or the account of another and change the financial settings, for example. Why not put the QR scan capability in the member app as well? That way all of our leaders can check in participants and the accounts are all protected from unauthorized edits! You have to rethink this one, seriously.

Ioan Truta commented
It would be very useful to have an additional limited admin "Check in only" access that we can assign to volunteers or members to help with the scanning. An Event manager limited admin can still access and change/modified/delete/add members. It has the same rights as a limited admin of the Membership manager. I did not see any difference between these two. Maybe an easy solution will be to take away the rights of the Event manager to modified members.
Dave Reed commented
I'd add to this request. We have some larger events and use volunteers to run the events. We do not was to make every volunteer an event admin; it is still to much access. Perhaps a "read only" event admin role that allows check-in?
The admin app grants rights due to the role of the user. I suggest trying to give your leaders the event manager role. Perhaps it would fit your needs. More info about managing admin roles in our help: