Revise Membership Summary Stats
Please please please - change the membership summary. To include the lapsed memberships in the total is very misleading. And, to include memberships that have lapsed more than 12 months ago is also not helpful. And, to include those same lapsed memberships in "renewal overdue" is double counting and extremely misleading.
I want to know:
1) how many active members
2) how many pending renewal (whose membership is now past due. i.e. if the renewal notice has gone out but their membership is not yet up, they should not be considered in this bucket - they are still active)
3) how many where renewal is overdue - 0 -30 days; how many where renewal is overdue 30-60 days
4) number lapsed within last 3 months; 6 months; 12 months
5) number new in past 30 days; 60 days; 12 months