I hate the new email system.
I cannot express how much I ABSOLUTELY despise the new email system. It is unwieldly, uncooperative, ignores my attempts to change font sizes, with the image gadget thing I can't put images where I want and when I add a new image I have to change the order of sorting each time. It's ridiculous! It reminds me of editing in the 90's. Whatever feedback you were trying to address you got it completly wrong with this rollout, I am beyond annoyed at how difficult it is to put together a simple email now. Thanks for ruining something that was working just fine.

Katheryn Wolz commented
I agree, the new functionality, while it is great when you want to send out news letters or highly formatted communications, it is confusing and more complex for those Event Admins, who just want to send out an email with a link or graphic. They all hate it.