Member Oriented Mobile App Page
You need two separate your admin mobile app and member mobile app pages. My members are confused by seeing both because you're still advertising Wild Apricot as a service. I want to point them to a page that is member focused.
Some of my elderly members get confused when I point them to your page because you have "Try It Free for 30 Days" emblazoned in the menu. Even though you state that the mobile app is free, they see the big yellow button and then ask me if they have to pay for the app after 30 days.
The page you pointed is more for the organization's administrators to help them understand all possibilities WA provides. I would suggest several different options depending on what you try to achieve.
If you need to provide a full description of the app, there are two help pages:
iOS -
Android -
If you need a short informal overview of the app, there is a good article in our blog:
In case you need to just refer to the app, I suggest to give a direct link to the store:
iOS -
Android - hope it helps!